Ioana Bratu & Arijit SanyalDATA AS PROTECTED INVESTMENT IN THE BACKGROUND OF EINARSSON V.CANADAThis article delves into the evolving legal landscape where data is increasingly viewed as a crucial asset international investment...
Prakhar Narain Singh Chauhan & Prachee SatijaEXPRESSIONS OF THE EMERGENCY ARBITRATOR: ORDER OR AWARD?LEGISLATIVE PERSPECTIVESEmergency Arbitration [“ EA ”] has gained significant traction in global arbitration framework. While the procedure has come to be...
Eva Fatimah Fauziah & Sri PurnamaTHE ISSUANCE OF THE SUPREME COURT REGULATION NO. 3 OF 2023: AN ASSESSMENT OF HOW IT WOULD PROMOTE ARBITRATION IN INDONESIATo ensure effectiveness of dispute resolution such as arbitration, underlying laws should be in harmony with international standards and...
Anusha Sarkar & Shaneel MehtaRE-VISITING THE CONCEPT OF ANTI-ARBITRATION INJUNCTIONS IN LIGHT OF INTERIM INJUNCTIONSAnti-arbitration injunctions [“ AAI or AAIs ”] have been used as a tool for legal protectionism. However, scholars have justified AAI...
Bhanu PratapARBITRATION AGREEMENTS IN THE GIG ECONOMY: PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF WORKERSOver the past decade, there has been a significant rise in what is commonly referred to as the ‘gig economy.’ This term describes a...