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  1. Please include a short title.

  2. Manuscripts must be between 1000 to 2000 words. A relaxation with respect to the same can be granted by the editorial board on a case to case basis.

  3. We encourage manuscripts that tackle current issues within the relevant practice area, with a strong preference for editorial commentary and candid perspectives. Rather than simply summarizing cases or covering basic topics, we look for posts that provide critical analysis or delve into broader themes with wider significance, even when they focus on specific cases.

  4. The authors must include, as hyperlink in the body of the text or as footnotes, appropriate references to the sources used in the post. The Blog reserves the right to add (additional) links to sources relevant to the matters referred to in a post, should these not already be implemented.|

  5. Keep paragraphs short—no longer than four - five sentences.

  6. Use headers and subheads to break up the post.

  7. The Similarity limit is set at 15%.

  8. The Al Contribution limit is set at 30%.


As a part of the process for submission the Authors are required to comply with the followingguidelines.

• The submission must not be previously published.

• The Electronic copy of manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx format).

• The text of the submission is required to comply with the conditions enumerated in theSpecific Guidelines and General Guidelines.

• In case it is the first submission of the Author it is required that the submission is accompaniedwith an updated CV of the Author encompassing the name, affiliation, qualifications andcontact details.

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